
The SAZ-OMEGA-IX Mechanical Production Packer is a retrievable,double-grip compression or tension set production packer that can be left intension, compression, or in a neutral position, and will hold pressure fromabove or below. A large internal bypass reduces the swabbing effect duringrun-in and retrieval and closes when the packer is set. When the packer isreleased, the bypass opens first, allowing the pressure to equalize before theupper slips are released.

The SAZ-OMEGA-IX also features a patented upper-slip releasingsystem that reduces the force required to release the pacer. A non-directionalslip is released first, making it easier to releaser the other slips.


  • Zonal Isolation, Injection, and production
  • Shallow wells

Features and Benefits

  • Holds high pressure from above or below
  • The J-slot design allows easy setting andreleasing; 1/4 turn right-hand set, 1/4 turn right-hand release.
  • Can be set using tension or compression Only
  • One-quarter right rotation is required to set andrelease
  • Field-proven releasing system
  • Optional safety-release features available uponrequest
  • Bypass valve is below upper slips, so the debris iswashed from slips when the valves is opened Benefit
  • Field-proven design meets most production,stimulation, and injection needs.
  • Can be run with a Model T-2 compression, or neutralposition.
  • Bypass valve opens before upper slips are released.
  • Available in All API material grades.
  • Available in material conforming to NACE MR 0175 orH2S, CO2 well environment services requirements.
  • Available in All API & premium threadconnections and Elastomer’s type
  • Validated to withstand 10,000 psi differentialpressure and 275 F Temperature