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MonoFlex* dual-connection fracturing fluid delivery technology, the pioneer in flexible, erosion-resistant fracturing fluid delivery, has been improving fracturing efficiency and economics since 2017. A safer and more reliable alternative to conventional treating iron, MonoFlex technology delivers fracturing fluid in any part of the fracturing operations, from the frac pumps through manifolds, trunk lines, instrumentation skids, and into the frac tree. The technology can be used on the pumpdown side, for perforating operations, as well.
MonoFlex Technology: Frac Pumps to Frac Manifold
The challenge:
Conventional treating iron typically requires 10 to 15 hammer union connections, including four swivel elbows to ensure flexibility between a frac pump and the manifold. In addition to extending rig-up time, each connection is a leak path: Cameron analysis of 12 months of fracturing operations in West Texas determined that 19% of leaks during hydraulic fracturing operations occurred between the pumps and the manifold. Typical lifetime of conventional flow iron for this application is less than 2 years.
The solution
- MonoFlex dual-connection fracturing fluid delivery technology requires just two connections, simplifying the flow path to create a more linear fluid transition into the manifold inlets. The smooth flow path through the MonoFlex technology limits friction losses, enabling you to deliver higher pump rates through a comparable internal diameter.
- You can customize MonoFlex technology with diameters from 2 to 3 in as well as your preferred length and end connections. A repairable hard cover protects the technology from physical damage.
- The life expectancy of the small-bore MonoFlex technology is 3 to 4 years, about double that of conventional flow iron, which reduces your total cost of ownership.
Things to note before ordering:
- Pricing is Ex-Works for pickup at warehouse location.
- If requested, applicable shipping charges will be added to final invoice.
- Other lengths available upon request. Maximum length is 200 ft.