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MonoFlex* dual-connection fracturing fluid delivery technology, the pioneer in flexible, erosion-resistant fracturing fluid delivery, has been improving fracturing efficiency and economics since 2017. A safer and more reliable alternative to conventional treating iron, MonoFlex technology delivers fracturing fluid in any part of the fracturing operations, from the frac pumps through manifolds, trunk lines, instrumentation skids, and into the frac tree. The technology can be used on the pumpdown side, for perforating operations, as well.

MonoFlex Technology: Zipper Manifold to Frac Tree or Trunk Line

The challenge:

Conventional treating iron requires about 50 hammer union connections - and potential leak paths - between the manifold and the frac tree. The rigidity and ID of the flow iron constrain the rig-up, typically resulting in dozens of tight turns and multiple parallel paths that create friction pressure losses in the fluid stream and increase your hydraulic horsepower requirements.

The solution:

  • MonoFlex dual-connection fracturing fluid delivery technology requires just two connections, which accelerates rig-up and eliminates leak-related NPT as well as HSE risks.
  • The flexibility of the 4- to 6-in MonoFlex technology easily accommodates vertical and horizontal misalignments between the frac tree and the manifold, leaving a less complicated wellsite.
  • By eliminating sharp turns and multiple fow paths, MonoFlex technology limits friction losses by 2% to 4%, typically reducing hydraulic horsepower requirements while still accommodating flow rates up to 160 bbl/min.

Things to note before ordering:

  • Pricing is Ex-Works for pickup at warehouse location.
  • If requested, applicable shipping charges will be added to final invoice.
  • Other lengths available upon request. Maximum length is 200 ft.