Martec Solutions' J-TEC mud lube motors provide robust and dependable motors for work-over and intervention solutions. Our J-TEC motors offer clients the opportunity to meet their performance objectives for various work-over applications such as thru-tubing, coiled-tubing, fishing, and cleanouts by considering technical specifications such as torque, speed and flow rates.
J-TEC mud lube motors come in various options including straight or adjustable bend housings. The ABH offers quick and easy bend angle adjustments from 0 to 3 degrees. Our motors come in several OD sizes utilizing a variety of power sections from USA manufaturers. Our motors, available through TheOFMP, include four OD sizes and eleven high-resistant NBR power section options to meet a variety of torque, speed, temperature and performance requirements.
Our mud lube motors include a dual safety catch system, roller ball technology, and high quality tungsten carbide bearing assmblies. In addition to conventional power sections, J-TEC mud lube motors are also available with even-wall power sections upon request.
Depending on well parameters, operating conditions, fluid integrity, power section fit, Martec's J-TEC motors can operate up to a maximum BHCT of 320 degrees fahrenheit.
For motor specifications and performance curves, see our Martec Solutions motor manual.