
Versawet is an organic surfactant used as the primary wetting agent in oil-based fluids. This concentrated and powerful wetting agent effectively oil-wets weight material and solids to prevent water-wet solids while improving thermal stability, rheological stabilty, filtration control, and emulsion stability.


  • Available by the pallet and packaged conveniently in 55-gal drums
  • Compatible in a diesel and mineral oil
  • Improves emulsion stability and helps prevent water in HTHP filtrate
  • Used widely in relaxed systems where water contamination is highly susceptible

Physical Properties

  • Physical Apperarance - Dark brown/green, viscous liquid
  • Specific Gravity - 0.93 - 0.98
  • Flash Point - >200degF

Storage and Handling

  • Store in a dry, well ventilated area
  • Handle as an industrial chemical, wearing protective equipment, and reference SDS for further information

Sold and packaged by Federal +

Packaging of material may vary